Artist Leia Hassan displays vulnerability in her debut poetry book 'SMOKE: A Public Diary' Culture October 29, 2021 The book is an attempt to help readers understand her complex train of thoughts.
Book review: 'Kololo Hill' by Neema Shah explores the journey of building a new life abroad Culture May 28, 2021 It looks at the perspectives of the different nationalities, mainly the Ugandans, Indians and British.
5 luxury game sets to liven up your Christmas gatherings Culture December 18, 2020 Round up your family and friends for a stylish game of chess or mahjong.
Douglas Stuart’s debut novel 'Shuggie Bain' wins Booker Prize 2020 Culture November 20, 2020 A gut-wrenching story of addiction, poverty, family and sexuality.
MPH Bookstores collaborates with Lat for exclusive 2021 calendar Culture October 28, 2020 "Playtime with Lat 2021 Calendar" will feature the local cartoonist's signature doodles.